Small Business Squad
A space for advocates of small business, supporters of buying local, and business/ nonprofit leaders to share knowledge, collaborate and gain valuable information. This community is for small business owners, nonprofit leaders, and advocates of local economies everywhere. Together we will strengthen local economies, keep dollars in our community, and stay competitive against large corporations. This community is committed to advocating for small businesses and supporting local economies. Please find us on our Facebook Group, Youtube, and at BecomeDistinct.com. We also encourage you to invite your awesome friends and connections who would greatly benefit from this group.
Small Business Squad
Beyond The Launch: Discover Your Business Opportunities & Threats
Vincent Aguirre
The customers and community were excited, yet a few months or years in, something has changed. Join Vince, Ken, and guest Dave Bittner of the Indiana Small Business Development Center, for a discussion on utilizing your business' strengths and recognizing its weaknesses to energize and grow your business going forward.
View part one here: https://becomedistinct.com/blog/beyond-the-launch-discover-your-business-strengths-weaknesses/